Wednesday, January 03, 2007




《黄金甲》讲述了一个畸形 [作多谢Di 提供这词汇 – 下头的“阿谀我诈”也出自于她。] 家庭所面对的种种复杂的状态,乱伦,亲情,再参上阿谀我诈的关系。其中,我认为重点还是放在杰王子对于母后的孝心;当家里的每段关系都已破裂,唯有这份母子情,在杰王子为了保护母后的性命而自尽后,得到了一个(对我而言)合理的结局。故事的收场也表达了这母子情的一种伟大,也显示了家庭成员的关系在面临考验时还是能保持坚固与稳定。





Back to English, because I’m really too slow. Hah.

As usual, I took a leisure stroll back home from JP.

Strolls are good for thinking and reflecting, especially during rainy days.

And my thoughts strayed to the conditions of the pavements that I had been walking on – notice that new pavements and pathways (new – being built uring the past ten years or less), as well as those parts of the pathways/pavements that had being “repaired”/”refurbished”, tend to be less rough than the older ones/parts. These newer pathways/pavements, one is less likely to suffer any bloody cuts or bruises should one fall on them as compared to the older ones; however, as someone like me who’s due for a change of slippers eons ago realized, the rough pathways/pavements do serve some sort of purpose: there’s no way I could have slipped and fell on them during rainy days, or when the surfaces are wet.

And herein lies the question that comes a-begging: which is the lesser evil, smooth walking surfaces that are less likely to cause bloody injuries but pose more danger in wet weather, or rough walking surfaces that are anti-slip during wet weather but are also confirmed to give the careless some nasty cuts and bruises should any fall happen?

For a moment, my stance swayed towards rough surfaces – I was going along the line, that physical falls are analogous to stumbles encountered in life, that what’s more important is how one pick oneself up and deal with the damage. But then, my mind wavered – what if the fall’s so nasty that one dies and never get the chance to learn a life lesson from it? And then, who’s to guarantee that a fall on a smooth surface won’t cause someone to meet their makers? Ultimately, which decision is more moral?

In English, I guess this can be described as not having one’s cake and eating it.




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