Sunday, March 11, 2007

James Dean

Work, can be addictive.



The brutalities and senselessness of war.

Honour? Glory? The Yamato spirit?

At the end of the day - all bullshit.

Let not be a death go to waste.

The disparity in thinking and perception amongst rank and file makes one wonder - what exactly makes a good leader?

One who sympathises with their subordinates? Or one who tolerates no-nonsense?

I had the good fortune to have had encountered a few good commanders, particularly my section commanders during my early days in green. Both of them had distinct and different management skills with us recruits/trainees, but in retrospect, the repertoire must have had included a good mix of strictness and leniancy, and at the appropriate times.

Kuribayashi won over his men and junior officers with his way of leadership, but offended the elder ones who had been so obessessed with either out-dated strategies and their big airheads, or just plain defiant towards a last-minute big-shot arrival. What calamity then, when they decided to act against his orders and failed him during the moments that they mattered to him most.

Being in a leadership position is no easy meat - you ain't gonna please no one.


The most moving scene - when
Baron Nishi was reading out this letter that a PoW had been holding in his hand when he passed away - those who were there realised that the letter, written by the dead man's mom, resembled what their own families back home would have written to them; that their opposite numbers were no more, no less human than they themselves are.

Do what is right, because it is right.


One more week to concert.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

In case anyone can't see the fine print, its on the 18th March (Sunday) @ 5pm, UCC Hall (located within NUS, along Clementi Road). Tickets at $9 if you confirm your orders with me by Monday afternoon, $11 at SISTIC otherwise.


It (still) warms the heart and lightens up any load (especially a bagful of clothes and readings + a laptop) to know that people closest to you still care.

Off to work.

Signing off............. I wanna know, we gotta show...............

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