Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Dees

It's him, Bouncing Baby! Note: This is only for a selected few, i.e. whom you think you know the Dees and are concerned enough. Apologies for those who have no idea what's happening on.

I was deciding whether to cut-and-paste or just summarise the latest updates - have since decided on the latter.

The Dees:

- said 'HI' and sent a VERY belated CNY-Easter greeting;
- had moved to the suburbs; bigger living space, easier to get to work and still near to the beach;
- Bouncing Baby (maybe no more baby already lol) has [bk ?a:d] for "backyard";
- Marvel Dee has been caught in the midst of editing and reviewing work - resulting in him lagging behind his writing;
- he (Marvel Dee) had been in North America from late April till mid-May attending a conference as well as family visiting;
- returned home only to be “greeted” by the onset of winter;- Bouncing Baby has just acquired [s] and some sophisticated use of it;
- will be heading for Flores come Friday for 3 weeks of tropical fun up on a mountain village.

It’s been a good 8 months since that last farewell at the airport. How things have moved on from then.

Hope they have a great Flores avventura! (yes, I’m being pseudo-Italian here)

Signing off……………. Greeningly sinning towards Envy………….

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