Thursday, June 22, 2006

We might disappear from the face of this Earth...

... especially here in this part of the world.

Was glued onto Earth Shocks on National Geog after the England-Sweden match...

Went to Wiki on Lake Toba:

"The Toba eruption (the Toba event
[1]) occurred at what is now Lake Toba about 71,500 ± 4000 years ago. It had an estimated Volcanic Explosivity Index of 8, making it the most recent supervolcano eruption and probably the largest volcanic eruption within the last two million years...

...The eruption lasted perhaps two weeks, but the ensuing "volcanic winter" resulted in a decrease in average global temperatures by 3 to 3.5 degrees Celsius for several years.
Greenland ice cores record a pulse of starkly reduced levels of organic carbon sequestration. Very few plants or animals in southeast Asia would have survived, and it is possible that the eruption caused a planet-wide die-off. There is some evidence, based on mitochondrial DNA, that the human race has passed through a genetic bottleneck within this timeframe, reducing genetic diversity below what would be expected from the age of the species. According to a theory proposed by Stanley H. Ambrose of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1998, human populations were reduced to only a few tens of thousands of individuals by the Toba eruption..."

Be prepared to be blown away, just in case......

Signing off........... The more one knows, the more one fears...........

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